Customise everything in the theme via customizer and it previews your changes instantly. Other themes might have support some parts and you have to switch between customiser and theme setting. But we are the theme which fully built every cusomisable options into WordPress customiser
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C.C Chipichape (Too)
C.C. Chipichape Local 263
(602) 659 22 99
(57)301 279 6280
Ciudad Jardín
Cra. 105 No. 14-05 2do. Piso.
(602) 345 06 09
350 633 0619
C.C Jardín Plaza (Too)
Frente a Falabella Local R-30
(602) 373 73 03
350 633 0620
C.C Llanogrande – Palmira
Cll 31 #44-239 local 807
(602) 285 5399
Cra 122 No. 16a-18 Diag. a la 14
(602) 348 2651
317 416 03 46
Av. 4N Cll 44 N Esquina
(602)406 5697
300 365 4082
Cll 10N # 8N-43
(602)345 14 43
317 428 63 02
Arena Cañaveralejo (plaza de toros)
San Fernando
Cra. 34 No. 4 – 12 Esq.
(602) 404 5658
301 366 4141
Calle 9 # 62a – 25
(602) 345 0906
301 676 4024
C.C Unicentro – Local 399D
(602) 485 0194
318 347 6971
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